Maria Mia

During her education as retail saleswoman Maria Mia from Berlin started modeling for erotic pictures as a hobby and as a cam girl on miscellaneous online portals. At this time she was photographed for different magazines like Coupé, Blitz-Illu and Cherry Magazin.
Her carreer in porn started in 2004 and until 2007 she made about 120 films for well-known production companies like: Magmafilm, Inflagranti, Videorama, Puaka, Orion XXL, Nylonic, Eastside Studios, EvilAngel/ Empire, VPS, Legend, Goldlight, Goldwin (Österreich), Tabu und Better-Sex-Line Serie.
At erotic fairs, in sex shops and at other events she can be seen at live-shows or autograph sessions. She was on TV for a couple of times, e.g. at „Sexy Sport Quiz“ on DSF, the „Sexy Stipperinnen“ on Sport1, in Beate Uhse TV or at Sat1 in „Akte“ or the „24 Stunden-Spezial“.
For her numerous films she already won two Erotixxx-Awards as „Best Cross Over Star“ 2009 and „Best Live-Act“ 2010 as well as a Venus Award as „Best Erotic Entertainment Duo Germany“ in 2011.